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All the answers to questions frequently asked by directors, performers, fellow composers, musicians, music lovers, theatres and actors coming through here! Here you’ll find out more about how our sheet music store and other digital stores work.
Can I use one of your songs for a video I'm making?Yes, as long as you've already purchased the song, your video is not for profit, and it's relatively PG (as in, no swearing, nudity etc.), and you credit me and any collaborators by linking to my website or Instagram. If you want to use one of my songs for commercial use, please fill out the contact form in order to get a mechanical license from Songtrust.
How do I get the rights to perform one of your plays?Purchase a copy of the script before you make any inquiries, and then contact us directly using the contact form. Specify which play you intend to perform, your producers, theatre venue, seating capacity, ticket prices, whether you are nonprofit or not, the number of performances you intend you give and your performance dates. Upfront royalty fees will be based on all of these factors. Remember: it is illegal to copy scripts without permission from the copyright holder, so if the script you intend to perform has multiple parts, you will need to purchase extra copies unless you've contacted us.
How do I get the rights to perform your sheet music or play your music in public?Make sure you've purchased the sheet music beforehand, and contact us to let us know your intentions. If we approve you, we'll direct you to our PRO to obtain a public performance license. Remember: it is illegal to reproduce sheet music without permission from the copyright holder, so if the music you're performing has multiple parts, you will need to purchase extra copies unless you've contacted us.
Order Status, Payment, and Refunds"If your order is labeled "Pending," this means that the order has been received, but we are awaiting your payment. "Complete" means that your order has been approved and we have received payment, and a digital link to your script or music purchase will be emailed to you. Currently PayPal (and credit card through PayPal) is the only accepted method of payment in the store. We will only issue refunds for any digital products within 30 days if an accidental duplicate purchase has been made or if there have been any technical errors on our part (like an error in the downloading link). If your download link has expired or you completed your digital order and did not receive one (even in your spam folder), please use the contact form to resolve any issues.
ReturnsBecause the products in our store are digital in nature, we are unable to process returns. If you purchase the rights to perform a script and it turns out you don't like it, we can refund you the amount you were charged for rights within 30 days of your purchase. This can only happen if you purchased performance rights though; if you only purchased the script by itself please refer to the above question.
Why would I need to become a Member?Becoming a member of the Alexia Rowe store is a huge benefit if you shop here frequently or if you regularly attend our live events, as it enables you to store your information in a secure location and makes checking out your orders a lot easier. Plus, you're often the first to know about new music and shows that become available in the store!
Physical Merch ThingsPrintful handles all our merch things. If you ordered an item and never received it or it arrived damaged, reach out to their customer service contacts here. More information can found in their return policy here.
Payments and RefundsAll commissions and services will be fulfilled digitally. A digital link to what you request (most often will be a PDF for sheet music and scripts, an .mp4 for sound recordings and a Word document for research projects) will be emailed to you. Currently PayPal (and credit card through PayPal) is the only accepted method of payment for services on this website. A 20% non-refundable deposit is expected at the time of the order, with the remainder coming after the product has been made. We will only issue refunds for any commissions within 30 days if there have been any technical errors on our part (like an error in the downloading link). We will work closely with you during the creation of the product, with at least two revisions, to ensure you are satisfied with your product before paying the remainder of the cost. We will not issue refunds for research and grant assistance except for technical issues. If your download link has expired or you did not receive one (even in your spam folder), please use the contact form to resolve any issues.
ReturnsBecause the products you will receive will be digital in nature, we are unable to process returns. If you purchase the rights to perform a script and it turns out you don't like it, we can refund you the amount you were charged for rights within 30 days of your commission order. This can only happen if you purchased performance rights though; if you only requested the commission, refer to the above section.
How long have you been doing [storytelling, guitar, singing]?I've been writing stories in various forms since I've been able to hold a pencil, songs since the age of 10, and plays since the age of 11. I've been playing the guitar and singing on and off for most of my life, with private lessons and choirs for at least ten years.
What's your favorite play/musical?I love anything that's directed by Rachel Chavkin, anything that's written by Tennessee Williams, Can-Can, Les Misérables, The Color Purple, Hamilton for multiple reasons, and Matilda, to name a few. Hairspray was the first musical I ever saw that actually got my attention, plus I performed in a revue of it when I was younger, so that one particularly holds a special place in my heart.
Can you recommend any good guitar brands for me?One of the guitars I own is a Carlo Robelli that I presume is from the '80s, and it has served me well so far. They're only sold at Sam Ash stores around the country (if you're in Massachusetts though, the nearest store is in Connecticut) and also sell amps and other gear. The other guitar I own is a stratoacoustic Fender from the '70s. Fender, Gibson, Taylor, Yamaha and Zildjian are the bigwigs in the guitar industry, so I recommend looking at your local music stores first to see if you can find their guitars there before going directly to their website.
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